5 Ways to Profit From Land in the U.S.

Investing in land is often overlooked as a way to build holdings in your real estate portfolio, especially by beginning investors who could easily purchase a smaller parcel of undeveloped land at an affordable entry cost. There are many ways investors can profit from land. When you consider all of the possibilities, this real estate … Continued

How to Make Bare Land a Profitable Investment Strategy in the U.S.

Investing in bare land in the U.S. can be a great way to diversify your investment portfolio and potentially earn significant returns on your investment. It is an often overlooked investment, with the potential to provide big results. However, like any other investment vehicle, investing in the U.S. land requires careful consideration and planning to … Continued

5 Things To Look For When Buying Land in the U.S.

Buying land is an investment asset often overlooked by real estate investors. Yet, the land offers a variety of methods to earn income and build wealth over the long term. Healthy real estate portfolios have a well-balanced selection from every market sector, and land should be a part of that picture. This diversity gives your … Continued

How to Find the Best Land for Sale

It can be like finding a needle in a haystack to find the perfect property that best suits your investment strategy, budget, and purpose when looking for land. Yet, savvy investors purchase superb pieces of land daily, improving returns and cash flow through diversifying to protect their real estate portfolios. If you’d like to know … Continued

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Land In the U.S.

Savvy real estate investors who seek to diversify their portfolios understand the potential returns and the unlimited number of creative uses that land can offer. Often, these entrepreneurial investors combine other business interests with creating wealth through their real estate investments and develop a parcel of land to grow their business further. Whatever your investment … Continued

5 Things the U.S. Land Investors Need to Know

Stop! Investing wisely in raw land can add cash flow to your monthly income and build wealth and passive income for your retirement years. It is worth investing the time to educate yourself on the passive income earned by investing in land in the U.S.. The best practice is to cover all your bases before … Continued

4 Reasons to Add Land to Your Investment Portfolio in the U.S.

If you’re a real estate investor and you’re wondering what your next investment should be, have you considered investing in land? It’s an often-overlooked investment with a lot of potential, and it’s a simple way for someone to extend their real estate investing portfolio in a different direction. Here are 4 reasons to add land … Continued

4 Types of Popular Land Investments and How to Evaluate Them

When some people think about buying land, they just think of a big, empty area. But land investing is way more detailed than that, which is good news because it gives you, even more, exit strategies. When you’re thinking about investing in land, here are 4 types of popular land investments and how to evaluate … Continued

Before Buying Land in the U.S. Do Your Legwork

If you’re thinking about investing in land, have you done your due diligence yet? Investing can provide solid returns for investors but before buying land in the U.S., do your legwork. In this blog post, we’ll look at a few things you should check when investing in land… Land investments. They seem so simple compared … Continued

3 Ways the Real Estate Market is Changing in the U.S.

Along with the progress of every industry, the real estate market is changing, and more people are avoiding agents altogether in their transactions. Alternative solutions are much easier to find with the world’s knowledge at your fingertips, and as with other industries, a new option has emerged for buyers and sellers. So read on as … Continued

What You Should Know About Buying and Building on Your Land in the U.S.

If you’ve been searching real estate listings for your dream home and not finding anything suitable, you’re likely among those buyers who have decided to locate their land and build. While taking on such a project may seem overwhelming, breaking everything down into smaller sections can help you get through the process. In addition, seeking … Continued

Our 5 Step Method for Building a U.S. Real Estate Portfolio

The tax benefits of real estate make it a desirable investment, as does its quality of being a tangible asset and the fact that housing will always be in demand. Real estate appreciates and has consistently built wealth over the long-term for investors who take a careful approach. Investment real estate also protects investors against … Continued